Once your project is set up and activated in the Sama Platform tasks can be loaded for our Delivery Centers to complete. Delivery Centers manage a team of Impact Workers who actually answer your tasks. The Sama Platform gives Delivery Centers tools for Quality Assurance by either randomly sampling tasks for review by Supervisors or incorporating a Review Step into the project’s Workflow.
Workflow Summary
- Project Setup
- task schema definition
- expected return value definition
- delivery callback URL and authentication setup (optional)
- creation callback URL and authentication setup (optional)
- Tasks are created in the Sama Platform via the API
- Task status can be queried at any time
- Delivered tasks are returned via the delivery callback URL or become available through the delivery polling API
- Delivered tasks can be rejected via the API
- Delivered tasks can be acknowledged via the API
See the Integration Steps section and the other sections linked from there for more details on the steps above.